Ropecon ♥ programme organisers
All programme at Ropecon is organised and held by volunteers. We are currently looking for a variety of programme for the upcoming convention, ranging from games and game demonstrations to workshops, presentations, panel discussions, shows, competitions, tournaments and more. The theme of Ropecon 2021 is Elements– feel free to use it as a source of inspiration when planning your programme! We would love to include more programme held in English.
Ropecon 2021 is being planned to be organised at Helsinki’s Messukeskus and all programme-organising will follow official guidelines concerning the COVID-19 pandemic. In the event that a physical convention cannot be organised safely, Ropecon will transition onto the web. Because of this we are inquiring using our sign-up forms of your capability of organising your programme at a virtual event. We are also seeking programmes that are organised virtually in particular.
All those who have entered their programme into the convention will be notified of any changes concerning the organisation of Ropecon.

Perks for programme organisers
As a programme organiser, you will receive either a weekend ticket or a one-day ticket to Ropecon 2020 depending on the duration of your programme.
As a rule of thumb, a shorter programme will yield a one-day ticket, while a longer programme yields either a weekend ticket or two one-day tickets, if two or more people are organising the longer programme. Please note that tickets received for organising programme at Ropecon are to be used only by the programme organisers themselves and cannot be transferred to other people. For further information on free admission policies in each programme category, contact our programme coordinators in those categories.
All programme organisers also have access to the Volunteer Lounge during the convention. Please note that tickets received for organising programme at Ropecon are to be used only by the programme organisers themselves and cannot be transferred to other people.
Other perks for programme organisers include:
⊕ Access to the Volunteer Lounge during the convention
⊕ Opportunity to order the Ropecon 2021 volunteer T-shirt
⊕ Access to sleeping bag accommodation at the venue
⊕ Access to the volunteer after-party
⊕ A certificate for volunteering at Ropecon 2021 available upon request after the convention
Call for Programme
Presentations, panel discussions and workshops
For Ropecon 2021, we are looking for exciting and immersive lectures, workshops, panel discussions and discussion groups, especially those featuring this year’s theme: Elements . We are hoping to increase our range of programme held in English: if you are able to organise your programme both in Finnish and in English, please mention it in the sign-up form below.
Examples of suitable programme in this category include presentations, talks, panel discussions, discussion groups and workshops. Your programme can be beginner-friendly or aimed at a more experienced audience.
In addition to presentations and workshops on the topic of board games, card games, miniature wargames and tabletop role-playing games, we are also looking to include more programme focused on the creative aspects of role-playing games and other related hobbies, such as visual arts, crafts, cosplay and photography. We are also always happy to include more programme aimed at families, young children and teenagers.
Duration of presentations, panel discussions and other similar programme is typically either 45 minutes or 105 minutes. For workshops, we would hope to see them arranged at least twice during the convention if possible.
The organiser/moderator of a panel discussion receives a one-day ticket for a short panel discussion and a weekend ticket for a longer panel discussion. People participating in the panel discussion do not usually receive a free ticket to the convention, unless they are also organising other programme or volunteering at Ropecon in other ways. Instead, people participating in panel discussions receive a Performer Pass that grants them access to the convention area for the duration of their panel discussion.
Ropecon 2021 also features an Academic Seminar, which has its own Call for Papers. The Call for Papers is now open.
Sign-up for presentations, panel discussions and workshops is closed.
For more information
Talks and other programmes | ohjelma@ropecon.fi
Let’s create amazing larp experiences for attendees of Ropecon 2021! You can run a larp written especially for Ropecon or edit an existing larp for convention play. If you don’t have a game of your own to run, no problem! We also gladly accept submissions for international ready-made scenarios for finnish roleplayers to experience. We hope that each larp would provide play for 6 to 10 people and that all characters would be accessible for all players, regardless of their personal attributes (gender, age, skills or prior experience). Larger larps are also welcome, as long as each character offers an enjoyable game experience.
With one 3-4 hour run of a self-written game or with two runs of a pre-written scenario, the Game Master receives one weekend ticket to Ropecon. Read more about our free ticket policy here.
Sign-up for larps is closed.
For more information
Paula Pennanen | larpit@ropecon.fi
Other programme
Programme featuring other topics and hobbies related to role-playing games is also welcome at Ropecon! Examples of programme in this category include combat demonstrations, dance programme and shows. If you have a new creative idea for programme, please do not hesitate to contact us!
Sign-up for other programme is closed.
For more information
Talks and other programmes| ohjelma@ropecon.fi
Game programme, Experience Point and tournaments
We are looking for Game Masters, judges and other volunteers interested in organising game programme at Ropecon 2021. Game programme includes all kinds of miniature wargames, card games, board games, game demonstrations, presentations and tournaments held for attendees.
Miniature wargames, card games and board games held at Ropecon offer attendees an opportunity to engage in a full-length play session with experienced players. Games and tournaments can be beginner-friendly or aimed at more experienced players.
At the Experience Point, attendees can try out new games with the assistance of a demonstration guide. As a demonstration guide, you can run your own game or introduce games from other designers and publishers to a new audience. Game demonstrations and demo games should be relatively short (less than 1 hour) to ensure that as many attendees as possible have an opportunity to try out new games.
For some attendees of Ropecon, game tournaments are the main attraction. Tournaments offer attendees a chance to test their skills against other players and, if victorious, to take home small prices provided by Ropecon. We are looking for judges and organisers for various miniature wargame, card game and board game tournaments.
Organising 3 to 5 hours of game programme will result in a one-day ticket to Ropecon 2021, while organising 6 to 8 hours of game programme will result in a weekend ticket.
Sign-up for game programme is open via Kompassi from 1st of March to 4th of July 2021.
For more information
Gaming Desk | pelitiski@ropecon.fi
Tabletop role-playing games
Volunteer as a Game Master at Ropecon! At Ropecon you can try out Game Mastering, test adventures that you’ve developed on new players, or receive new perspectives from other role-playing game enthusiasts. By running scenarios you can get to the heart of Ropecon and it is a great way to get new role-playing acquaintances. You can also showcase new game systems and game worlds to others – or just run games for the fun of it!
More information on how to run tabletop role-playing games at Ropecon can be found here. Everyone from beginners to veterans welcome!
Sign-up for tabletop role-playing games is open via Kompassi from 1st of March to 6th of June 2021.
For more information
Iiris Kaasinen, Jaana Takalo & Jukka Särkijärvi | roolipelit@ropecon.fi
Miniature figure painting programme
Is the paintbrush your weapon of choice? Can you craft glorious palaces out of foam board? Would you like to share some of your knowledge and wisdom with our attendees? We are looking for volunteers with experience in miniature figure painting who would be willing to run a virtual workshop on the subject and run a miniature figure painting competition at Ropecon 2020. If you are interested in organising a miniature painting workshop or the painting contest, or if you have some other idea for a miniature figure painting related programme, please do not hesitate to contact us!
Sign-up for miniature figure painting programme is open via Kompassi from 1st of March to 4th of July 2021.
For more information
Gaming Desk | pelitiski@ropecon.fi