Ropecon 2021 to be held online!
Although the original event planned to be held at the Messukeskus Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre in July had to be canceled due to the current COVID-19 pandemicr: there is still a chance to experience some of that Ropecon magic in 2021! Instead of a physical convention, Ropecon will be held online on the original convention weekend 30.7.–1.8.2021! Join us and experience the exciting atmosphere of a virtual Ropecon – whether you are a more experienced attendee or someone who was planning to attend Ropecon for the first time this year!
Virtual Ropecon is held online on the original convention weekend from 30th of July to 1st of August 2021. Online programme begins with the opening ceremony on Friday and ends on Sunday with the ending ceremony.
There are many online platforms and apps used at Virtual Ropecon, such as Discord, YouTube, BoardGameArena and Twitch. More information on the online platforms used at Virtual Ropecon will be coming soon.
Who is it for?
Virtual Ropecon is for everyone interested in role-playing games and non-digital games. People of all ages, experience levels and backgrounds are welcome at Virtual Ropecon.
What can I do at Virtual Ropecon?
There is a variety of online programme available at Virtual Ropecon from scheduled programme items, such as online presentations and shows, to more spontaneous and continuous programme, such as game programme and online tournaments throughout the convention weekend. For more information on Virtual Ropecon’s online programme, please visit here.
How can I participate?
There are many ways to participate in the online programme featured at Virtual Ropecon. For example, you can watch online presentations and shows together with other people and comment on them via live chat, participate in online discussions on various role-playing game related topics, try out virtual tabletop gaming and role-playing games, or take part in online board game tournaments. for more information in the online programme featured at Virtual Ropecon and how to participate in it, please visit the Online Programme and Game Programme pages on our website as well as Ropecon’s Online Programme Guide. You can also reach out to us via email at ohjelma@ropecon.fi.
Do I need to purchase a ticket for Virtual Ropecon?
No ticket is needed to access Virtual Ropecon. Virtual Ropecon is a free-of-charge online event that is open for everyone.
Please do not hesitate to contact us!